Tartare pralines with sesame seeds, almond flakes and chopped pistachios

Tartare pralines with sesame seeds, almond flakes and chopped pistachios

Preparation time:
25 minutes

Cooking time:
Raw tartare


  • Fiorani tartare
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil a drizzle
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sliced almonds

How to make it


Work the tartare

Work the tartare briefly, seasoning it with plenty of oil, salt and pepper. Model it to obtain spheres, the size of a walnut, and place them in the refrigerator, covered with food film.


Toast the sesame seeds in a hot pan, sautéing for a couple of minutes. Toast the almonds and pistachios too, but in a preheated static oven at 160°C for about 5 minutes.


Just before serving, dip a few tartare pralines in the sesame seeds, some in the flaked almonds and the last in the pistachios.
