Gnocchi with salami paste ragout

Gnocchi with salami paste ragout

Preparation time:
15 minutes

Cooking time:
10 minutes


  • Fiorani pork salami pasta
  • Gnocchi 1 kg
  • Sage a few leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook it



Coarsely crumble the salami paste. Heat a non-stick pan and dirty it if you want with a veil of oil or butter. Put the sage on the bottom to brown for a few moments. Add the salami paste and, after a few seconds over high heat, soften the heat and cook for 10 minutes.


Meanwhile, bring the salted water to a boil and cook the gnocchi, collecting them as they emerge on the surface.

The final touch

Drain them directly into the sauce, add a little cooking water and sauté over high heat for a couple of minutes. A grind of pepper and you can serve.
