Mini burger with salami paste

Mini burger with salami paste

Preparation time:
20 minutes

Cooking time:
Some minutes on both sides


  • Fiorani pork salami pasta
  • Durum wheat buns 2-4
  • Greek yogurt 100 g
  • Salt and pepper
  • Rocket to taste
  • Salad tomatoes 1
  • Red onions 1

How to cook it


Prepare the burgers

Slice the salami paste into slices about 2 cm thick. Form burgers, helping yourself if you want with a round pasta bowl. Compact the edges and cook well in a pan over high heat for a few minutes on both sides.


Cut the bread in half and, in the pan in which you cooked the burgers, toast it by putting the cut part in contact with the heat.


Spread a veil of Greek yogurt on the bread, both on the base and on the side to close, season with salt and pepper. Place a little rocket, a couple of tomato slices and a couple of previously soaked onion rings on the base. Place 1-2 burgers and close the sandwich.
